
Got life? Get the Bread of Life

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John 6 is as controversial today as it was when Jesus walked the Earth.  Did He mean it or didn’t He?  Was the bread really just a metaphor (Jn 6:51-58)?  In the verses that follow, Jesus assures us, as we grumble amongst ourselves, that He is quite serious.

Spoiler alert:  When Jesus asks the Twelve (Apostles) if they want to leave Him, too, Peter says, “To whom shall we go?” (Jn 6:60-69)  They stay.

 “Master, to whom shall we go? 

You have the words of eternal life.

We have come to believe

and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.”

Faith can be tough.  You have a choice.  Should I stay or should I go?  Do I believe?  I believe Jesus was serious.  I would not give up the opportunity to receive the Bread of Life.  Where in this world will you find eternal life?  Or receive the gifts God wants to give you?


Want life?

Jesus says he is the Bread of Life.

How can you get this bread?

Jesus is waiting for you at Mass in the Eucharist.

Real food and drink.

Be fed by the Word and the Eucharist.

Don’t forget that He gave us this bread, Himself, so that we could have eternal life!

What are you waiting for?

It’s all about the bread…

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What is so special about bread? Jesus is the Bread of Life and explains more in the Gospel this week. (John 6)  Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life.  Wouldn’t you be like, what?  He says it’s not like the manna they got in the dessert.  You can get bread anywhere (just pick a store).  Maybe you have a favorite kind.  You love the way it smells as it browns in the toaster.  You cover it with butter or jelly.  And it’s not only chewy but melts sweetly in your mouth.  Can you smell it?  Can you taste it?

Warm BreadJesus says that He is the Bread of Life.  Totally different.  Not like any other bread!  So will you miss it?  Are you too busy to go to Mass?  This is the Bread for the journey.  Make this a power week!  Fuel up!

Another take:

St. Paul tells us to be imitators of God and a fragrant aroma. (Eph 4)  Another metaphor.  Empty all your anger, shouting and bitterness.  Clean house.  Be kind, compassionate and forgiving.  How can you be a breath of fresh air this week?

How can you be like Jesus and bring life?

Got bread? This bread is priceless!

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In Exodus, the Lord rains down bread and then even sends quail.  God gives us our daily bread, just what we need and when we need it.  The Readings this week are all about bread and one of the “I Am” statements in John 6.  Do you know Jesus?

Jesus says, “What kind of signs to do you need?”  What will it take for you to believe?

Euch-EucharistSymbolsJesus says, “Remember how God gave you manna in the desert?”  How can you get this bread?  Jesus gives the answer when He says, “I Am the Bread of Life.”  He gives us Himself in the Eucharist now.  Stay tuned to find out what he means!  The next few weeks’ Sunday Readings explain more!

Maybe you have seen a few miracles in your life or in the life of someone around you.  Miracles come in all shapes and sizes.  Are you looking?  Are you helping God to perform a miracle in someone’s life today like the boy in last week’s readings?

Jesus says that you’ve seen the signs.  Now what?  St. Paul tells the Ephesians that you should change the way you live.  Put on your new self.  Your old way of thinking doesn’t work anymore.  Now that you have learned about Jesus, you know the truth.  This requires thinking like God thinks, doing the right thing and living in the truth.  So, what do you think?  Will it change how you live?  Got bread?  This bread is priceless.  Go to Mass.  Receive the Eucharist.  It will change your life.

Sunday Readings for August 2, 2015

Who me? I got this!

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As we continue our journey from John’s point of view in Chapter 6, Jesus creates another miracle!

Jesus feeds everyone in John 6.  Did you put yourself in the story?  Are you Philip?  How will you pay for all that food?

Or, are you Andrew?  Andrew knew a boy that had 5 loaves and 2 fishes but believes it’s not enough.  Over and over I get the same message in Scripture.  Look.  Do I see what is going on around me?  We hear a lot about helping others and feeding the poor.  Take another look at this Scripture.  The Apostles need help.  Jesus asks them to find the food.  How can I help?  What can I do?  You see, I need help, too.  What does God want me to do?  How often do I think, “It’s not enough.”  Or worse, “I am not enough.”  I don’t have what it takes.  What can I do?  I am nobody.  Think beyond the food idea.  Maybe someone around me needs an encouraging word.  I wish I had a million dollars or could solve world hunger.  That problem is too big for me to solve.  There are so many smaller needs I could solve for my family and friends.  I could smile at a stranger.  I could help the person in the grocery store find the item they are looking for.  That has actually happened to me.  It’s amazing what can happen when you look friendly.  Give it a try!

This boy offers all that he has and Jesus transforms his meager provision of food into something much greater.  Are you the boy who offers all that he has?  Even our small gifts or talents can be used by God to change the world.  Being a person who smiles is a talent that we can all obtain.  What can you do this week to make a difference in someone’s life?  Are you waiting for a miracle?  Maybe, God is waiting for you to help Him make another miracle happen.  Yes, you!


Readings for Sunday 7-26-15

Bishop was born because of a bet!

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Okay, so that is a sensational headline.  But this story is amazing.  Get the whole story here:

Mom has a problem with her pregnancy and one doctor says the baby will be deformed.  Second doctor says he is wrong.  They don’t have money for a month long hospital stay.  Guess who pays the bill?

And the March for Life is born…

A whole ‘nother look at “your faith has saved you.”