Month: November 2013

“I believe…anything is possible”

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“I believe anything is possible as long as you have faith.” You can do anything you want but God will not give it to you.  You will have to work hard and strive but as long as you have faith and a will of iron, anything is possible. – TJ

“I believe in… perseverance”

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“I believe in perseverance.” Jesus tells us time and time again to persevere in our prayer, as do Scriptures.  Persevering in faith is often hard, but it deepens our love for God and teaches us patience.  Our perseverance allows us to follow in Jesus’ steps more closely and teaches us discipline which means that we can’t do whatever we want, whenever we want.  It allows us to overcome problems and work through whatever holds us back. – David

“I believe in…truth”

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“I believe in the Truth.” The truth should be told to anyone and everyone who needs to hear it and at the right time. The only time a lie is necessary is for the good of the person who is receiving the news or they can be affected by the news being told.  – Jarod

“I believe in…learning”

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“I believe in learning.” In these times it’s important more than ever to learn more about our faith so we can share it with other people. If we can explain what we believe and why we believe it we could win over so many more hearts, and maybe even be more friendly with other religions. – Sarah