Month: April 2014

I’ll leave the light on for ya…

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Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.”
They said to him, “We also will come with you.”  John 21:1-14
Father Tim said, “Let’s go fishing. Let’s build up this church with all who hunger for the risen Christ, the Bread of Life, whose love unifies us, calls us to be his own, and creates a living Church that radiates his light even in the night, when everyone is asleep.”
“We’ll leave the light on for ya.” I always liked the commercial for Motel 6. It said you were always welcome.  It also reminded me of my family’s trips to my grandparents’ house in Southern Illinois. We would always get there in the middle of the night. My grandmother would say, “I’ll leave the light on for ya.”  There were no street lights on the gravel road. As my grandmother used to say, “You can’t see your hand in front of your face” without a moon. Without the light, you couldn’t find the house. That light was the beginning of the warm welcome I new awaited me.

This has always been my goal – to leave the light on.  Sometimes, it’s metaphorical, sometimes, it’s literal.  My goal has always been to make sure everyone knows they are welcome.  I am here when you need me.  I tell the kids in peer ministry and classes that their smile is that light.  A smile can change the world or even just a person’s life.  It’s great bait for fishing, too!  – Mrs. D